"Katino Dienelės" in the Fabijoniškių micro-district, address - J. Juzeliūno st. 16
Located in the safe neighborhood of private houses in Fabijoniškės microdistrict, away from the hustle and bustle of the district, you will find "Katino Dienelės" kindergarten. It is situated near the "KD International School of Vilnius," making it convenient for children transitioning from kindergarten to school without having to travel far.
The kindergarten has three floors, four classes are located here - Babes (1.5 - 2.5 years), Juniors (2.5 - 3.5 years), Toddlers (3.5 - 5 years) and Pre-K (5-6 years). The smallest inhabitants of our kindergarten live on the first floor - grandma class children, we also find a common children's locker room and kitchen here. On the second floor of the kindergarten - Juniors and Toddlers classrooms, as well as a spacious bedroom and teachers' space. The principals of the kindergarten are located on the third floor - Pre-K class children.
This "Katino Dienelės" kindergarten has a spacious and safe courtyard featuring picnic tables, sandboxes, swings, playhouses, and in springtime, we set up a gardening area. Adjacent to the building is a large terrace where children can not only play when the weather warms up but also engage in educational activities like morning circles and various exercises.
Each class accommodates up to 15 children, and there are 3 educators per class, including one who is fluent in English.